Real Answers to Hard Questions: What Am I Worth?

Posted by T. Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Have you ever wondered…even asked yourself the question…what am I worth? You may have asked it differently…like, what am I good for?? What is my purpose?? Sound familiar? Well, I think it’s about time we took a look at that very important question and answered it. If we are ever going to become women of God, we must be able to answer that question. (tune in men…you’ll learn some things about yourself too :) ) I am going to ask you to look up the Scriptures that I list, to actually study for yourself because that’s the way you will learn the best…the word of God is life to us and it is health to all of our flesh. It isn’t good enough to just hear what someone else has to say. You have to read it yourself…YOU have to apply it to YOURSELF.

The question is what are we worth…what am I worth. I want you to ask yourself that question and try to answer it…jot what you think down in a notebook. It’ll only be for you to see, but you need to start to ask yourself some hard questions, questions that need answers. I am going to answer the questions as I have asked myself. They are my opinion of myself, the result of my life. Yours may be the same, they may be different, you may be able to relate or you may have no idea where I got such ideas! I will be totally open and honest with you, bearing my soul. We will look into the Word of God and see what He has to say. It is my hope and prayer that we will begin to see ourselves as God sees us, not as we have been molded by our environment to see ourselves. As we begin to see ourselves as He sees us we will begin to change into that image, changing the lives of our children, of our husbands and of the people around us. It’s time we understood who we are so we can have the impact God intends us to have in these last days….so… let our journey begin!

When I ask myself the question…what am I worth or what is my purpose, I have to stop and really think because my first thought is I’m worth nothing…that my existence was a mistake. Well, that isn’t true, not because I feel it isn’t true, not because I look like it isn’t true. It is not the truth because GOD said it isn’t true! Pause for a minute and read what He has to say…PS 139:13,14, PS 22:9, 10, PS 71:6 and Gal 1:15.

After having read these Scriptures, I cannot say that I was a mistake. So, back to the question, what am I worth? What does the Scripture say? Well, He says that He loved me so much that He gave His only Son to die in my place, so I could be clean, so I could walk with Him, blameless. Jesus bore all my pain and suffering, my disease, my guilt, my poverty on His own body. Isa 53:5, 1Pet 2:24. What kind of a picture does that paint? I guess I must mean a lot to my Father, my worth is that of His daughter. The thing is every single human being can say the same thing through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He no longer sees us…He sees Jesus. We are washed and covered in the precious blood of Jesus. So…what happens when we allow our thoughts and our words to speak things contrary to what He has said? If we are covered by His blood, if we are renewed, restored and healed by His word, what happens when we speak and think outside of that Word? The simple answer is death and destruction.

God has called us, He has told us it’s time to “Step Up”! He has asked us to become what He wants us to be by being renewed in His Word, not to stay as we are…what we perceive ourselves to be by our own thoughts or the opinions of others. In order to change we must examine ourselves in the light of the New Testament, identify the areas that are lacking and change our thinking to live up to that picture painted in the Scripture. Ask questions, answer honestly, keep in mind that it’s the truth as we LIVE it that brings change, not the truth as we KNOW it. We, as a church, have heard the Word of God preached for 25 years. If the truth as we know it changed us we would be giants. We need to LIVE what we have been taught. We need to change and make that determination TODAY. Ladies, we are the answer, we are the ones that can make the difference. We have been told all our lives that we are the problem, but that is NOT true…WE ARE THE ANSWER!!! God’s truth must be established in our lives TODAY…the truth according to the Scripture, not according to our own perceptions or our own thoughts. We MUST study to show ourselves approved so that we will not be ashamed. We MUST get on our faces before God to hear from heaven…not to hear how much He loves us, but to hear what we need to do to show THEM…out there…how much He loves them! We have been bought with a price, a costly price. We need to be transformed starting today. Rom 12:2, 1 Cor 6:20, 1 Cor 7:23


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