How I Got Started

Posted by T. Thursday, April 8, 2010


So, you are wanting to improve your health and maybe have heard about the raw diet. If you are anything like me you are at a place of desperation…you need answers, you need help and you need it NOW! I hope through sharing my heart, my experiences, my victories and my failures, I can help you find the answers you need. We’ll share together, cook (or I should say ‘uncook’ :) ) together and learn together. This is going to be FUN!!

Let me start by telling you a little about what was happening with me, with my family. My husband of 25 years has diabetes. His mother died from complications form the disease when she was 48 years old. His health was declining, he had ulcers on his feet, his sugar levels were high and things were not getting better. We have been praying concerning this condition for many years, speaking the Word of God over him, doing all we knew to do. Things would maintain, but never completely go away. It was a frustrating situation to say the least. You know what I mean... I am sure you all have been there. It’s a fight of faith, you believe, you trust God for the healing, you trust Him for the answers and you hang on. Well, at the end of Feb 2010, God put the answer in our laps! Over the years, we have spent untold amounts of money on so called guaranteed to work gimmicks…none of them worked. So, when we found the video “How to Cure Diabetes in 30 Days” on YouTube, we were skeptical. We watched the whole thing and decided to give it a try. We followed the diet exactly…and you know what??? IT WORKED!!! His sugar level is normal, the wound is almost healed, his complexion is pink again and the list goes on and on. We feel like we did when we were kids… you remember the days…full of energy, bound out of bed…everything was brighter then. Today, for this household, things are bright again! Colors are brighter, eye sight is clearer; brain fog is a thing of the past. I actually have energy! I thought that was long gone…you know, as in before kids…

A really cool thing is the extra weight we carry since we had our last baby… is melting off with absolutely no effort. I know you have heard that song and dance a million times and probably bought whatever product they were selling to “melt those pounds away…with no dieting” We all have I think… No, this time it’s for real. I am not selling anything. I am telling you that you will spend less money over time, that you will look and feel like a million bucks and the extra weight will melt away. Now, for the people who have a hard time gaining weight, amazingly, this works for you too…you will actually gain weight, effortlessly, good, solid muscle, not just empty fat. It is astounding!

There are tons of web sites on the net to tell you about the raw diet. You may be wondering, why another blog. The reason is this: I have searched for many many hours and I have found some really good information, but, I had to wade through the trash. So many of them are entwined with spiritualism and the New Age. Sometimes it’s hard to take out the good and leave the bad. That is the reason we started this blog… to hopefully do that weeding for you and show you how eating like this lines up with the Bible! Again, you’ll be amazed! The New Agers and the spiritualists all got it from God’s Word anyway…we are only going back to the Author. God wants His church to be healthy and strong. As it is now the church is sick. It’s time that changed! He gave us the answer, it’s easy, it works and it feels so good! What more can we ask for. He told us that His way was easy… why do we always try to make things so hard?


  1. Brickster Says:
  2. Wow, now I really want to start a raw food diet! It sounds delicious. :D

    P.S. Your blog is fascinating! I link to you on my blog :D

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Yea!! Thank you for starting this :)

  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I'm so glad you started this blog, too! I look forward for more posts from you! (Love your header, BTW!)


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